
Friday 13 August 2010

Salvia, Kundalini and the Genie

Last night without really planning it out, on a whim decided to chew on some Salvia for unknown purpose but with the intention to keep my eyes closed in physical. Although it has been a week since I last made a trip to the world of Salvia it feels so much longer. I had a light lunch and a large feast for dinner. Brushed teeth and rinsed mouth with listerine mouthwash.

Soaked leaves very late and by that time was getting really sleepy. By 2am started chewing on 6 large quids. I had some doubts about it working while chewing third quid and had all these irrational thoughts that somehow this new batch is probably not as strong as the others that I have already masticated in past few weeks. I don't know why this doubt is always present, the lack of faith in Salvia despite having had many experiences previously.

As usual the more I chewed the more there was a shift. Some external noise were present causing interruption. As I lay my head on the pillow my hair roots felt intense like a slight movement of my head felt like my hair was being pulled from the roots. A simple touch felt like a burning sensation.

To the end of chewing went so much deeper that background noise did not exist. No sense of body. Opened eyes and a thousand entities creeped out of the physical matter. Closed eyes and then felt some other kind of shift I can't describe. A huge chunk of what took place cannot be recalled. Maybe being too sleepy and tired at that time made it difficult to recall. I do recall however that when whatever was taking place I even thought that there's no way I'm gonna be able to describe this when I get back to the physical.

Some awareness of internal body parts creeped in towards the end, I felt energy funneling from the tailbone to the back of my neck and then finally there was an intense sensation inside the head. My brain felt like it was curling, turning inside out - a sensation I cannot describe. I thought it may be Kundalini but not really so intense in that intolerable way. In the physical I've had brain surges and all kinds of K sensations but they were so intense I could not tolerate it. Here with Salvia I feel because my body was numbed and there was no completely solid feel of my physical body the K sensations were tolerable. It was like I was feeling it from outside of my body and the other times when I had brain surges I was too inside the physical body.

Just before I came back almost completely to physical there was this sudden moment of clarity. I knew that moment was open for me to make a request, for what and to whom I did not know. The moment was simply open for me to make a request, only there was one problem - I didn't know who I was. It was like without knowing who I was it would be impossible to make a request and whoever I was at that moment of amnesia was a clean slate - it had nothing that it desired.

A sudden moment of amnesia and then with some effort I recalled my name and made a request for the first thing that came to my mind which I won't share here until I get some answer for it. Though the request was really something that came out automatically without much thought.

It was like the Genie in Aladdin asking me to make a wish and the wish would be granted.

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